Hope Center Kids Camp 2025 - CAMPERS 1st - 6th registration

Welcome to Hope Center's Kids Camp 2025 Registration!

Please fill out one form for each child you are registering.

Date: June 16-20th, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM -- 12:00 PM each day

This is for students that are entering first grade -- 6th grade in the fall only. There is a separate form for campers in TK.

Kids Camp has 100 spots, available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Welcome to Hope Center's Kids Camp 2025 Registration!

Please fill out one form for each child you are registering.

This form is for registering campers that are entering first grade -- 6th grade in the fall only. There is a separate form for campers in TK.

Dates:  June 16-20th, 2025

Time:  9:00 AM -- 12:00 PM each day

Place:  2275 Morello Avenue, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Cost:  $50 

Cost Includes:  ALL the fun, snacks, a t-shirt, and memories!
Camper Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Dietary Restrictions

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Accommodations for Campers

Kids Camp t-shirts: All campers will get new t-shirts this year. Cost is included in the price of Kids Camp.

Please select one option.
Parent/Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

Digital Consent and Release

Please select one option.
I, the undersigned, certify that I am the parent / legal guardian of above named Student (Camper), a minor, and that the Student is in good physical condition and able to participate in all activities for young people sponsored by Hope Center Covenant Church (the “Church”). I consent to the participation of the Student in any activity for young people sponsored by the Church in which the Student elects to participate (“Permitted Activities”). 


In case of physical injury, illness or medical emergency of Student, I ask that you, the Church representatives, make reasonable attempts to contact me; however, if I cannot be reached, I authorize you to contact our family physician if he / she can be reached, and to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure the safety of the Student. This authorization and consent authorizes physicians, dentists and staff duly licensed as Doctors of Medicine or Doctors of Dentistry or other such licenses, technicians or nurses to render the diagnosis, treatment or care they deem advisable for the Student in the exercise of their best professional judgment. I understand that every reasonable attempt to contact me will be made before providing diagnosis, treatment or care, time and conditions permitting, but that diagnosis, treatment or care may be provided in an emergency without my consent. 

Please select one option.



Welcome to Hope Center's Kids Camp 2025 Registration!

Please fill out one form for each child you are registering.

Date: June 16-20th, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM -- 12:00 PM each day

This is for students that are entering first grade -- 6th grade in the fall only. There is a separate form for campers in TK.

Kids Camp has 100 spots, available on a first-come, first-served basis.